Goldberg Shacklestein
According to Daniel, Goldberg Shacklestein is a Jewish leader in the New World Order.

Notable crimes against Daniel Larson
- Trying to kidnap him along with the mafia (
- Possibly (through associations with the New World Order) assisting Jonez in collecting his and Samantha's semen (
The Jewish Race
Goldberg Shacklestein is Jewish
New World Order
Goldberg Shacklestein and New World Order had a common goal of kidnapping Daniel
The exact origin and extent of their relationship is unknown, but it is speculated that Jonez is the one pulling the strings behind everyone's back, implied by instances of Daniel performing a prayer ritual for Jonez. in which he calls him a king and the chosen one ( from 0:14 to 0:25, if anyone has a link to the live post it here)