Likee Meltdown

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Revision as of 11:00, 6 January 2024 by imported>KanamoriKamper (KanamoriKamper moved page Likee Meltdown to The Likee Meltdown: Changed title as this is the more agreed upon one. also Transcript needs updating)
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The Likee Meltdown is one of Daniel's earliest public meltdowns, occurring on June 25, 2021. It involves Daniel frantically posting a stream of videos on Likee, attempting to reach out to his Management and/or the "VanderWaal Team".

Daniel claims to have broken his phone, the night before, causing him to lose contact with who he thought was the VanderWaal team. This left him with no other form of communication other than posting videos on Likee, using a laptop.

Daniel was convinced by trolls that Grace had recently succumbed to a heart attack and passed away, and before dying, had asked Daniel to carry on her legacy. Daniel responded by promising to carry on her legacy by any means necessary, via continuing to put his music out under her name. However, things took a sharp turn as Daniel began posting frantic videos begging to be "let back on the team", even threatening his own life over it. Daniel soon starts blaming "JP" for "all of this" attempts to use removal of the videos as leverage in the situation.

It is unknown what happened after this.


This event predates the wiki and only exists through various captures by fans.

Archive can be found here


Daniel is wearing a blue shirt.

Video 1: Hello, this is Daniel Larson. My phone ended up breaking last night when everything was going on. I was tossing the phone in the air and it ended up, um, the screen ended up going blank and it showed static. So please, if you get this message, know that I'm currently trying. You can contact me through here. Unfortunately, I will have to give video updates.

Video 2: This message goes out to the VanderWaal family. Please pray for the VanderWaal family. They're currently in critical condition.

Video 3: This message goes out to the VanderWaal team. I am currently trying everything I could possibly try. Even though my phone broke, I have still gotten out the message. I will give more updates as I go, but unfortunately, I'm without a phone right now. And so I'm currently doing everything by laptop, but fortunately it will not let me message as of right now, so I can only do videos. But please stay tuned. I will try to give updates and I'll try to get everything situated.

Video 4: Hello, this is Daniel Larson. This is a state of emergency order to the VanderWaal team. Please make another video and post it on all social *burp* media platforms and say, please pray for the VanderWaal family. Please pray, pray for the VanderWaal family. They're in critical condition and leave it there. I want pictures of the entire family. Please post now.

Video 5: Hello, this is Daniel Larson. Please let me know if there's anything I could do to help. Please ask the VanderWaal team what I need to do to help and also to rank up in the company.

Video 6: Hello to Daniel Larson team and my record label. There's currently a situation. Google and YouTube are not letting me use them. I don't know what's going on. I thought we had an agreement. But unfortunately, I lost all access to making new Google accounts. I currently am stuck. I have no way of contacting you.

Video 7: Likee is not letting me post.

Video 8: Hey Josh and Jay, please contact JP now. We have an emergency.

Video 9: Please message me Josh. Please send Jay and Bob the contract for Party House. They need to see it. They need proof for the investigation.

Video 10: The police are about to be called into the situation. We still are getting zero responses.

[The lighting in the room has changed]

Video 11 (YouTube): Grace is going to want this video thing that I've done. I admit to sexting minors and sexting Grace and sending Grace a dick pic. I'm sorry for putting Grace through so much stress that she takes her own life and has a heart attack. The last words to me was, the last words to me was: "Daniel, I look up to you. But you make wrong choices. I know you could do pletter-better. I know you could do better. Please do better for me. I want you to carry off your legacy for me. My legacy for me. I don't know if I'm going to make it through the night." And my response to her was yes. I would carry on her legacy. And that's what I'm currently doing. Grace, rest in peace. I don't know if you're getting this message. But if you got this message, you have any, you can always be welcome to come to my house. I don't know if in heaven you can see everything. I don't know, but you're always welcome to be here. And I'm sorry for everything that has happened. Maybe one day, when I die, we can finally meet and I can apologize. But right now, I'm worried about clearing this up and fixing what I've done. That's why I'm making a YouTube video right now. But I will tell you, I'm not going to sit here and do thousands of YouTube videos like I've been doing right now. I'm just doing this one video to try to clear things up. I'm just trying to get the word out. I'm sorry, Grace. You should have never dealt with this. You should have never gone through this. You should have never had a heart attack. I'm so sorry. But I promise, I will do what you said, and I will carry this on, and I will carry your legacy. And I'll put my music and everything moving forward under you, because you're a hero. You saved my life. And that's what I'm going to do. You chose to take yourself off life support. You fought for me. And I will not give up. The entire VanderWaal family is wishing you to rest in peace. And I am currently getting used to everything. But I have your mother, Tina VanderWaal's, help. And now I have you from above looking down on me. And Dave, all in my heart. We will make it through this, no matter what. Rest in peace, Dave and Grace VanderWaal. The one and only, Dave and Grace VanderWaal.

Meltdown Begins

Daniel is now wearing a green shirt. The lighting in the room now appears to be from daylight. Daniel is visibly distressed.

Video 12: Guys, check out my YouTube now, and please comment. Check out my YouTube now, and please comment. If I get the response, I will take it all down. This is my only source right now. Do it now, or I [quieter] commit suicide.

Video 13: This is Daniel Larson. JP threatened to kill me to do all this. Please let me back on the team now, or I commit suicide.

Video 14: I can't take this! I can't take this! I can't take this!

Video 15: Josh, Dave, VanderWaal family. Please, and I hope you're seeing this right now, please. I can't take this much longer. I'm about to commit suicide.

Video 16: Emergency, emergency!

Video 17: Josh, Jay, VanderWaal family. Please look at my latest YouTube. Please look at my latest YouTube!

Video 18: I am fighting, but this is my only source of contact! And to know that right now, that you get it, please message me. Please message me now!

Video 19: If you guys start messaging me on YouTube so I know what the fuck is going on, and I know I'm being heard, then I will start taking the videos down. But until then, I want to make sure that they get heard by you guys.

Video 20: Guys, message me now on YouTube. Now. Now! I'm starting to get fucking angry! My... JP is currently in big trouble because he forced me to do this. He threatened to fucking murder me.

Video 21: If you guys let me join the team now, I will sit here and I will fight. I will make videos on Likee for the rest of the night to spread the message. But you have to... you have to bear with me. You guys are gonna have to fight. I'm fighting right now.

Video 22: Now, guys. It's an emergency. Now, guys.

Video 23: I will not take the videos down until I get on the team fully. I will not back down. This is my only source of contact right now, and by you guys commenting on my YouTube videos, that's the only way right now I know that you guys are hearing me.

Video 24: Josh, I will call you in a bit.

Video 25: I am trying everything I can. Please message me on YouTube. I need to know what's going on. It's my only source of communication. I'm trying to get the message across that it was all an accident. JP forced me. He threatened to kill me. I had to, otherwise he would have killed me.

Video 26: I don't know what else to say, guys. I'm telling the fucking truth. And you guys are not doing anything I ask. I don't know what to fucking believe anymore. I'm done. I'm gonna be homeless before we flippin' know it. I'm gonna be fucking homeless. And it's all thanks to fucking JP.

Video 27: The faster you guys respond, the faster we can take the videos down!

Video 28: [hyperventilating] I demand being on the VanderWaal team. I demand. I demand. I repent! I repent! I repent! I repent!

Video 29: Look at my last YouTube video, guys. Now! It's getting worse, and I'm about to have a panic attack!

Video 30: Guys, I don't know what's going on. No one is messaging me. I don't know what's being said. Can I at least get some flippin' updates so I can start taking some videos down?

Video 31: [sobbing] What happened to my support? What happened to my team? What happened to everybody!?

Video 32: Everyone on the entire team and everyone who is seeing this. Message Josh now. The only reason why I'm posting this is because I'm trying to get this heard. I want on the team now! Do not block me on all social medias or I will fucking die.

Video 33: [hyperventilating] I'm currently under attack! Please! Please! Please! [checks door] I'm currently under attack. You need to let me on the team now!

Video 34: I don't know what to do. Please let me on the team. I can't do anything. I want out. I want out!

Video 35: I will take down two videos on YouTube to show that I care! I will take down two!

Video 36: It's not letting me into my email! It's not letting me into my email because I don't have my phone number! It's not sending a verification to my phone!

Video 37: This is my only source of communication right now. For email, it wants my phone number for verification. Please, all I need is an answer. Yes, you're on the team and then everything will get taken down. I'm trying to call Josh but it won't be until later because I have to go all the way to the store just to do it.

Video 38: [hits himself] If you don't let me on the team now... I'm gonna have to die! I'm gonna have to stop! I don't know! I'm trying everything! [continues hitting himself]

Video 39: I will take down all videos but one I'm gonna take down all videos but one on YouTube please please fucking believe me please comment on the YouTube so I fucking know you guys are listening in the fucking fact that I'm trying all I want is to help all

Video 40: I want is to be on the team so I can get a life I have started deleting videos on YouTube but please trust me I need a comment now I want to be with the team Jamie I mean JP is currently in big trouble with the police for what he did.

Video 41 (shirt has changed, door has opened): Police are currently on their way. I will give updates shortly.