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This is the documentation page for Module:NewsList

NewsList Module Documentation

The `NewsList` module is designed to generate a table listing recent events from the `GlobalEvents` page. This module processes event data stored in a specific format and outputs it as a structured table.

Function: generateTable(frame)

This function reads the events from the `GlobalEvents` page and generates a table with the event data.


  • `frame` - A frame object that provides access to the arguments passed to the module invocation.


To use this module, invoke it in a wiki page with the following syntax:


Optionally, you can specify the number of rows to display and customize the table's class and style:

{{#invoke:NewsList|generateTable|rows=10|tableClass=myCustomClass|tableStyle=width: 50%;}}

Event Data Format

The events must be stored in the `GlobalEvents` page in the following format:

| title = Section Title
| dateHeader = Date
| titleHeader = Event Name
| descriptionHeader = Description
| newsHeader = News
| tableStyle = Table Style
| tableClass = Table Class
| events =

| date = YYYY-MM-DD
| title = Event Title
| description = Event Description

Each `EventSection` can contain multiple `EventRow` entries. The `date`, `title`, and `description` fields are mandatory for each `EventRow`.


  • **Date Sorting:** Events are sorted by date in descending order, with year-only events placed before specific date events within the same year.
  • **Link Preservation:** Links within titles and descriptions are preserved while standalone `|` characters are removed.
  • **Customizable Display:** The number of rows, table class, and table style can be customized through module arguments.


If the `GlobalEvents` page contains the following content:

| title = June 2024
| dateHeader = Date
| titleHeader = Event Name
| descriptionHeader = Description
| newsHeader = Description
| tableStyle = width: 100%;
| tableClass = wikitable
| events =

| date = 2024-06-29
| title = Future [[Cyraxx|goblin]] Rage
| description = vbn

Invoking the module will display a table with the event data formatted appropriately.


Below is the Lua code for the `NewsList` module:

local p = {}

function p.generateTable(frame)
    -- Define the page where the events are stored
    local eventsPage ='GlobalEvents')
    -- Get the content of the events page
    local eventsContent = eventsPage and eventsPage:getContent() or ''
    local events = {}

    if eventsContent and eventsContent ~= '' then
        -- Split the content into individual event blocks
        for eventBlock in mw.text.gsplit(eventsContent, '{{EventRow', true) do
            if eventBlock and eventBlock:find('|%s*date%s*=') then
                local event = {}
                -- Extract the date from the event block
       = mw.text.trim(eventBlock:match('|%s*date%s*=%s*(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d)') or eventBlock:match('|%s*date%s*=%s*(%d%d%d%d)') or '')
                -- Extract the title from the event block, handling newlines correctly
                event.title = eventBlock:match('|%s*title%s*=%s*(.-)%s*\n') or ''
                -- Extract the description from the event block, handling newlines correctly
                event.description = eventBlock:match('|%s*description%s*=%s*(.-)%s*}}') or ''

                -- Function to clean standalone | characters but keep them inside links
                local function cleanText(text)
                    local cleanedText = ""
                    local inLink = false
                    for i = 1, #text do
                        local char = text:sub(i, i)
                        if char == "[" and text:sub(i, i+1) == "[[" then
                            inLink = true
                        elseif char == "]" and text:sub(i-1, i) == "]]" then
                            inLink = false

                        if char == "|" and not inLink then
                            -- skip standalone |
                            cleanedText = cleanedText .. char
                    return cleanedText

                event.title = cleanText(event.title)
                event.description = cleanText(event.description)

                if ~= '' then
                    table.insert(events, event)

        -- Sort the events first by year, then by month and day if available
        table.sort(events, function(a, b)
            local a_year, a_month, a_day ="^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)%-(%d%d)$")
            local b_year, b_month, b_day ="^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)%-(%d%d)$")
            a_year = a_year or
            b_year = b_year or

            if a_year ~= b_year then
                return a_year > b_year
            elseif a_month and b_month then
                if a_month ~= b_month then
                    return a_month > b_month
                    return a_day > b_day
            elseif a_month and not b_month then
                return false -- Full date comes after year-only date within the same year
                return true -- Year-only date comes before full date within the same year

        -- Determine the number of rows to display
        local rows = tonumber(frame.args.rows) or #events
        rows = math.min(rows, #events)  -- Ensure rows does not exceed the number of available events
        -- Set the default table class and style
        local tableClass = frame.args.tableClass ~= 'wikitable' and (frame.args.tableClass or 'newstable') or 'newstable'
        local tableStyle = frame.args.tableStyle or 'width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'

        -- Start building the result table
        local result = '{| class="' .. tableClass .. '" style="' .. tableStyle .. '"\n'
        result = result .. '! Date !! News\n'

        -- Function to preprocess and replace the placeholder back to '|'
        local function preprocessContent(text)
            if not text then return '' end
            return frame:preprocess(text)

        -- Populate the table with event data
        for i = 1, rows do
            local event = events[i]
            local date = mw.text.nowiki(
            local title = preprocessContent(event.title) or ''
            local description = preprocessContent(event.description) or ''

            -- Fix link encoding
            title = title:gsub("%%7C", "|")
            description = description:gsub("%%7C", "|")

            result = result .. '|-\n'
            result = result .. '| ' .. date .. ' || ' .. title .. '<br>' .. description .. '\n'

        -- Close the table
        result = result .. '|}'

        return result
        return "No events found in GlobalEvents page."

return p