AddEventForm - Cyraxx Wiki -
Use the Delete Event Form to delete events. (all users)
Use the Manage Events Form to manage events. (admin only)
Use the Manage Events Form to "lock" or "unlock" events. (admin only)
Use the Edit Events Form to edit events. (admin only)
Use this form add a new entry to the Timeline page & News block based on the current ID
Note: Please ensure that both the date and title are correctly formatted:
Use the YYYY-MM-DD date format to enter a regular event. (for example 2024-03-30)
Unknown Day: Use either YYYY-MM-unknown or YYYY-MM-00. (for example 2024-03-00 or 2024-03-unknown)
Unknown Month: Use either YYYY-unknown or YYYY-00-00. (for example 2024-00-00 or 2024-unknown)
Unknown Date: Use either 0000-00-00 or just unknown. (either 0000-00-00 or unknown)
Important: Be careful outside of links you cannot use the "|" (vertical bar) as it is an important table component in wiki markup.
You can add links via [[Link]] or [[Link|Title]] (for internal pages), and [Link] or [Link|Title] / [Link Title] (for external links) to either the title or description too!