
From Cyraxx Wiki - lolcow.city
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Name: Kat
Aliases: Elspeth
DOB: {{{DOB}}}
Gender: {{{Gender}}}
Nationality: {{{Nationality}}}
Height and Weight: {{{HeightnWeight}}}
Parents: {{{Parents}}}
Occupation: {{{Occupation}}}

Elspeth (also known as Kat) was a high school friend of Cyraxx and Blind Billy, notable for helping to substantiate the Blind Billy incident. Elspeth met Cyraxx during her senior year of high school. They danced, made music, hung out, and drew together. Along with Billy, they often spent time on a ledge behind the high school until Cyraxx fell from a two-story height, breaking his skull, which prompted them to find a new hangout spot. Elspeth also recalled Cyraxx claiming he knew Zak Hussein and mourning his death at school.

Their friendship continued until the Blind Billy incident. Afterward, Cyraxx distanced himself from Billy. Elspeth noted that Billy smiled less and showed visible signs of PTSD following the incident that Billy reported.

See Also