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Cyraxx has a plethora of trolls and people who mess with him online, not to be confused with weens. The difference between trolls and weens is that weens are usually one-time, nameless, and faceless individuals who bug Cyraxx. Trolls are longer-term and have connected online personalities. Raxxtubers (e.g., BasedShaman) and trolling groups (e.g., Kiwifarms) are excluded.
Notable Trolls
Active Trolls
MusicBizMarty is the Cyraxx troll, and is basically an omnipotent being over Cyraxx.
William GH
William GH is a classic Cyraxx troll, known to be Cyraxx's arch enemy.
Cyraxx Video Game (CVG)
CVG is a Cyraxx troll, who excels at getting information out of Cyraxx.
Metal Gear Raxx
Metal Gear Raxx is a troll who is adept at getting Cyraxx riled up.
Aware of Myself
Aware of Myself is the troll who was assaulted by Cyraxx and pressed charges against him.
Inactive Trolls
MF Goon didn't start any sagas like Marty but was an expert at getting Cyraxx to freak out.
Liquid Chris
Liquid Chris was an imitator of a Chris Chan troll who was able to get Cyraxx mad for a bit.