Bing Bong Video

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On November 28, 2021,[1] during the Hype House Arc, Daniel recorded a famous TikTok live in which he acts very bizarre. Daniel is seen walking around his room continuously saying "bing bong" and dancing, his ritual getting cut off by him gagging and puking off-screen before immediately continuing with his "bing bong" chant. A longer version of the video exists in which after Daniel is done with dancing and puking, he gets down on the floor and praising Jonas, calling him the king and the chosen one, whilst acting erratic throughout.


While originally a live stream, parts of it were captured by viewers and uploaded to Reddit and other platforms.

Bing. Bong.

Transcript includes audio from a slightly earlier recording start time[2]

[Daniel is in a praying position] All hail Jonas! Worship Jonas! Worship Jonas! Jonas... our Savior! Worship Jonas! I am being hypnotized... worship Jonas! Worship him now. Worship Jonas! [goes closer to phone] Worship Jonas!

[after a few seconds, he gets up and starts dancing around] Bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing, bong, bing, bong, bing, bong, bing, bong, bing, bong, bing, bong, bing bong

[giggles, tries to shake it off , starts gagging and vomits offscreen, coughs, retches]

'with each movement he makes, slower and entering shot again' Bing bong. Bing... bing, Bong. Bing, bing bong... Bing, bing bong. (back at camera, he sighs, and then goes back into praying position)

All hail Jonas! All hail Jonas... Jonas the king... Jonas the one... Jonas is the chosen one, all hail- [starts giggling and acting weird, which turns into evil laugh...or something] Oh... all hail Jonas, Jonas now!

[Daniel stares at his phone for 30 seconds, he gets a call which he declines]

Jonas, please come inside me! (stands up) Jonas, please come... inside me! Jonas, please, come, inside me! [starts doing jumping jacks while grunting noisily, when another call interrupts]

Jonas! (picks up phone) Jonas! The world.. [live stream buffers] Ho! Ho! Ho! All hail Jonas! Come inside me! Me as a member of the Illuminati! I pray for a great future, and our work in time traveling!

[live stream stays on for another minute]
