Daniel and housing
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Housing refers to the place one lives in. To Daniel, however, housing is something that he has lacked for a significant amount of his adult life, and something that he has always taken for granted when he did have it. Daniel has stayed in several forms of housing throughout his life.
Put simply, Daniel is not someone you would want as a housemate. Due to his innumerous mental illnesses and the influences of trolls, getting into violent confrontations with his housemates, often causing serious damage to the property around himself. Even worse, he will expose his address, leading to trolls harassing the house with pizza bombs or unwanted deliveries.
Ever since he became homeless, housing has been a significant desire of his. Though, After his arrest in April 2024, housing does not appear to be much of an issue for him anymore.
Childhood Homes
Daniel notes that, in his childhood, he moved from house to house very frequently.[1] it can be presumed that he lived in the home of either of his parents during this time, at the very least before they split up.
Tennyson Center
After the state of Colorado's child protective services took him from his mother's care due to alleged neglect, Daniel was placed into the residential program of the Tennyson Center for Children.
Nancy Shimer's Home
It can be presumed that Daniel spent some time in Nancy Shimer's home; how much is still not certain. Whether he lived there at some point or merely visited is still up for debate. We do know, however, that Daniel's bad behavior was enabled by Nancy during the time he spent with her. Daniel's mother also alleges that he abused his grandmother when he was around her[2].
Disability Housing
Since Nancy's passing in 2019, Daniel has lived in various disability housing arrangements.
Fall 2020 Housing
In mid to late 2020, Daniel resided in a disability housing arrangement hosted by a woman named Dawn and her two children. During this time, Daniel interacted with the children—an unidentified boy and a girl named Breanna—and made several videos with them. One infamous video involved Daniel pushing Breanna onto a bed. Additionally, on October 23, 2020, Daniel streamed two live sessions where he interacted with the children and notably insisted that they refer to him as their "brother," expressing displeasure when being called a "client."
2021 Hype House
Main article: Hype House Arc
On July 9, 2021, Daniel moved into disability housing hosted by Jonas, with whom he held a grudge with. In the first few months, Daniel frequently clashed with Jonas, even accusing him of being "racist." He stayed in a pink-colored bedroom, where he filmed bizarre and sexually suggestive videos and engaged in destructive behavior, damaging the room. In September, he moved rooms and a new housemate named Gavin moved in, who later became known for his frequent meltdowns. The house was a hub of constant chaos, and Daniel grew increasingly paranoid. He eventually fled the house on December 1, 2021.
Unknown assisted-living apartment
On 1 December 2021, he ran away from Jonas' home, then staying in an assisted-living apartment for an indeterminate amount of time. By 9 January 2022, he was then evicted, and from thereon was homeless.
August 2022 Shields Foundation Housing
Main article: Second Housing Arc
After several months of being homeless, Daniel reached to the Shields Foundation in August 2022, who then provided him a state-subsidized house.
He was then evicted 6 weeks later after continuous harassment from trolls (in the form of pizzas and sex toys being mailed to the house) and a huge meltdown. After making numerous violent and terroristic threats from 2022 onwards, he was arrested on 30 April 2024, and has been incarcerated ever since, therefore ending his long state of homelessness for the foreseeable future.
Jails and Institutions
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Other Housing
"Daniel and housing" is incomplete or missing content. |
Desired Housing
"Daniel and housing" is incomplete or missing content. |