Second Jail Arc

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This article covers Daniel's arrest on the 30 April 2024 for various federal charges. For other uses, see Jail (Disambiguation)

Why the long face?

On April 30, 2024, Daniel was arrested and placed into Jefferson County Detention Facility. At the time of his arrest, the charges against him were undisclosed, with the listed reason being "courtesy housing for another agency." The following day, Daniel was transferred to the Clear Creek County Jail, where his mugshot was soon taken.

Initially, it was believed that Daniel's arrest was related to multiple probation violations, as in the days leading up to his arrest, Daniel defrauded a Buffalo Wild Wings, and admitted to viewing exploitive material of children.[1] However, according to a call made to his manager, Clark, Daniel was arrested for the several terroristic threats he had made over the past year. These claims were later backed by documents which revealed that Daniel had been charged with seven counts of threats, carrying a maximum sentence of 65 years.

This was the fifth time Daniel had been arrested in 2024 alone, with the most recent occurring just 28 days prior to this. Unlike previous arrests, Daniel is ineligible for bond, and given the severity of the charges, there is a possibility he will never be granted bond. After his arrest, Daniel's contact with the outside world has been through sporadic phone correspondence, which suspended for nearly four months until September. He was in contact with Lil Sippy and Clark through phone calls, emails and letters, and was in contact with Clark via phone calls while in FCI Englewood and the two correctional facilities in Oklahoma he briefly stayed at until his transfer to MCFP Springfield in late December 2024.

At the time, it was believed that Daniel's manager, Clark, had been apprehended by authorities at his job due to his association with Daniel over the previous 10 months. However, it was soon revealed that Clark and members of Daniel's management were investigated by authorities who sought information about threats Daniel had made. Afterward, Clark officially resigned from being Daniel's manager, and admitted to lying about his entire existence to Daniel. This aforementioned call was speculated to have been the last contact Daniel has had with the outside world, but this would soon be proven false, as Clark (and others) continued to communicate with him months later.

On May 31, Daniel was transferred to Englewood Federal Correctional Institution. He was held in a mental health facility for evaluation, and was institutionalized on July 19 after being found incompetent to stand trial.

On December 6, 2024, Daniel informed Lil Sippy that he was to be transferred to the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, or Springfield, in the following week. He was released from Englewood on December 10, 2024 and was transferred to Cimarron Correctional Facility in Oklahoma where he stayed for two weeks. On Christmas Eve, he was transferred to Grady County Detention Center for unknown reasons, and three days later was transferred to the Springfield for further mental health evaluation. The process will take four months, and will end at the end of April. Based on his delusions remaining quite strong during his stay at FCI Englewood, it can be presumed that he will be deemed (like previously) incompetent to stand trial, though this cannot be assured concretely.

This is one of the most significant events in Daniel's life, considering that he is currently at risk of being imprisoned for up to 65 years if found guilty on all charges, or possibly see himself institutionalized for the rest of his life. Many see this as the final blow, with his plot armor truly breaking. It has also become the most publicized aspect of Daniel's life thus far, as multiple social media accounts and news articles have covered the situation as it unfolded.[2] The Second Jail Arc stands as the longest period of Daniel being incarcerated, followed by the November 6th Arrest.

As of March 10, 2025, Daniel still remains in custody.


Warrant for Daniel's arrest.

During the summer of 2023, a Secret Service agent named Daniel MacDougall began investigating Daniel following several terroristic threats he had made, namely one in which he threatened to blow up the White House. This threat in particular came right off of the heels of Daniel having had a destructive meltdown in a Walmart after having his dog taken from him. Following this, Daniel would have multiple meetings with MacDougall, including one notable encounter where he met with MacDougall and an associate of his.[3]

Daniel's last post before his well-deserved arrest.

Despite being repeatedly warned by a legitimate Secret Service agent to cease making threats against people, businesses, and government agencies, Daniel refused, continuing to make threats, even making threats against MacDougall himself.[4] As a result, a case was built against Daniel, which eventually led to his arrest. Law enforcement interrogated both Clark, his then-manager, and members of Daniel's management to verify the threats he had made over the years. These testimonies provided the final pieces of evidence necessary to arrest Daniel. On April 25th, a warrant was issued for Daniel's arrest. This was thought to be due to Daniel having violated his probation multiple times, even before the issuing of said warrant. This notion was only exacerbated by the fact that only two days after this warrant was issued, he was kicked out of a Pumphouse restaurant by authorities on April 27,[5] defrauded a Buffalo Wild Wings the next day, and on his YouTube community tab, claimed to have viewed illegal material of children.[6]

"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him."

On the evening of April 29, Daniel became inactive on every one of his social media accounts, with his last post stating that he was on the bus back to Boulder.

Daniel is well known for making terroristic threats via social media and is speculated to have made over 100 of these threats since 2021. This habit of threat-making appeared to escalate in the weeks preceding his arrest. A prime example of this trend can be seen in the April 6th Meltdown, in which Daniel repeated the phrase "bomb you!" and "kill you!" threatening to vandalize several government buildings. Even more, in January of the same year, Daniel threatened to carry out a mass shooting against a hospital after having been kicked out.

These threats would not serve him well in the long run, as the Colorado Police Department was slowly build a case against him, charging him with seven counts of threats, which carries a maximum sentence of 65 years.

In the indictment calling for Daniel's arrest, each threat Daniel made that contributed to his arrest was stated, most notably one wherein Daniel threatened to bomb a non-profit organization. This was soon discovered to be the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center, or the DDRC. The DDRC is a non-profit organization that helped house Daniel in the past. While the reason behind this threat is unknown, Daniel's threats led to the building being evacuated and searched by bomb-sniffing dogs.

Additionally, the case included the following Incidents:

The Arrest

Daniel was arrested on the afternoon of April 30 during his probation meeting. He was booked into the Jefferson County Detention Facility, and was ineligible for bail. Before his actual charges were revealed, he was charged with, "courtesy housing for another agency." Daniel was transferred to Clear Creek County Jail the next day.

Looks like management Better Call Saul!

Clark's (alleged) arrest, and interactions with Bob

On May 3, Clark, Daniel's former manager, reported in a Discord server that police officers had shown up at his place of work. Almost instantly afterward, Clark went offline. It was at first assumed that he had been arrested due to allegedly being an accomplice to all of Daniel's threats, as well as having alleged contact with the Secret Service agent that got Daniel arrested in the first place. This was later proven to be false.

Text's between Clark and Bob.

Following hours of silence, Clark resurfaced on Discord with concerning messages. He shared that he had been fired from his job for being, "too drunk." Additionally, he was contacted by Bob Proctor, Daniel's mentor, about Daniel allegedly getting into a fight while being held. This was a revelation nobody knew, as it was thought that since the Christmas Day Meltdown, Bob had officially cut ties with Daniel.

After being contacted by bob, Clark stepped down as Daniel's manager. In his (at the time) final calls to him, he admitted to Daniel that everything he had done up until that point had been fake, and that he would cease contacting him going forward.[7]

Shortly after this call was conducted, a final call between Clark and Daniel was made.[8] In texts to Clark, Bob stated that Daniel wanted to have a man-to-man talk with Clark.[9]

The Charges

Daniel is currently facing serious legal charges. Initially, he was facing six counts of, "Use or Threatened Use of Explosive," and one count of, "Interstate Communication of Threats." Each, "Use or Threatened Use of Explosive," charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison. The "Interstate Communication of Threats" charge could add another five years.[10][11] Based off of all seven charges, the maximum jail time that Daniel could face was 65 years in prison. It is difficult to accurately estimate to the fines that Daniel may face as they range quite substantially.

Legal proceedings and communications

See also: Jail Communications

Daniel's public defender, Jared Westbroek.

First jail communication

Shortly after being incarcerated, Daniel had a phone conversation with Clark, his then manager, on May 1. As mentioned in these calls, Daniel was assigned a public defender due to him not having the means to obtain a lawyer. His attorney was soon identified as Jared Scott Westbroek. According to Daniel, his public defender is attempting to argue that Daniel could not have carried out any of his threats as he lacked the resources to do so, therefore he should be released.

Second and third communication

On May 6, motivated by the interaction he had with law enforcement at his workplace, Clark called Daniel, revealing that his entire existence was a lie, and everything he had done up to the point was a fallacy. This call is the most serious out of all of them, with Clark referring to it as the "most important call of his life."

On May 9, Clark reluctantly answered a phone call from Daniel after being convinced to do so, despite an earlier decision to cut contact. Daniel reached out in hopes to fix their friendship. Clark remained serious, telling Daniel he has many people to apologize to. This would be the last call Daniel would have for nearly 4 months.

Motion for Daniel's release

On May 10, right before Daniel's court hearing, documents were found that detailed Daniel's public defender, Jared Scott Westbroek, introducing a motion for Daniel's immediate release. However, this motion, along with one filed the day before were both denied by the judge.

These documents requested that Daniel be outfitted with an ankle tracker and placed under mandatory mental health treatment if released. This document also mentions placing Daniel into a halfway house, where he would presumably stay if he were to come out of jail, which has not happened yet.

As of June 29, this motion has been left unresolved.

May 10 court appearance

"Nothing was accomplished."
TLDR; He's not getting out.

Daniel appeared in court for an arraignment on May 10, 2024, and pleaded not guilty to all charges. Due to his not guilty plea, Daniel was not released from jail. Daniel was given a new trial date, set to July 15, which was stated in the Order of Detention following the trial. According to Bob, Daniel stated that, "nothing was accomplished" following the hearing's conclusion.

In texts to Clark, Bob tells him that he would be held until a mental health evaluation was conducted (which Daniel will most definitely fail). Additionally, Bob states that Daniel says the the "appearance got leaked," although it is unclear as to what Daniel meant by this.

Order of detention

After the court hearing, the judge, Norman Reid Neureiter, issued an order of detention. This confirmed that Daniel would, in fact, remain in jail after pleading not guilty, as well as the judge demanding that Daniel complete a mandatory mental health evaluation. This order of detention also touches upon Daniel's request to be released.

May 23 mental health evaluation docket

A docket from May 23 ordered Daniel undergo a mental health evaluation. His July 10th and 15th court dates were canceled, and he was sent to undergo an evaluation at a mental health facility.[12]

May 27 docket report

On May 27, a docket report was issued that detailed all of what had happened up to that point during Daniel's incarceration.

May 31 transfer

Details of his transfer.

On May 31, Daniel was transferred to Englewood Federal Correctional Institution, which, coincidentally, is the same facility where sex offender and documented pedophile Jared Fogle is being held.

July 19 competency report

A psychiatric report for Daniel filed on July 19, 2024. In this report, it is revealed that Daniel was deemed incompetent for trial, and would be institutionalized in an unknown mental health facility in hopes of being evaluated where he is currently in custody. The court hearing scheduled for September 23, 2024 was canceled. On July 26, an order was issued for Daniel to be institutionalized for no longer than four months. He was also deemed "sexually dangerous" in the order.

Daniel was to be re-evaluated around the end of November 2024, however this did not happen.[13]

September 7 Clark communication

On September 7, 2024, Clark called Daniel for the first time in nearly 4 months. Daniel seems to have forgotten nearly everything they had spoken about in their last call, as he speaks about his delusion of being in contact with the VanderWaal family. More importantly, Daniel divulges details of his current legal situation, most notably that he was going to be transferred to a psychiatric facility in a different state sometime in the near future, and that he had been in protective custody for up to 2 months at that point.

September 25 report & transfer request

A report was filed on September 25, with Daniel's attorney demanding that he be transferred to a psychiatric facility within a week and that the court receive his evaluation by November 25, with the case to be dismissed if neither happened.[14] Daniel's attorney believes that he has been in jail for longer than he should be and the reason is because the mental health facilities do not have any beds available. [15]

On October 3, 2024, the court responded to this request, stating that his four-month evaluation period will begin in December. [16] He will also be moved to Springfield Missouri that month, and will be re-evaluated in April 2025. [17] However, staff in Daniel's jail said that he will not be transferred anytime soon, as he is not even on the list and there are no beds available. If he is not transferred to Springfield by December 31, 2024, the case will be dismissed which will result in Daniel being released. [18]

Canceled & future hearings

Daniel had a competency hearing scheduled for September 23, 2024, but it was ordered to be vacated, and he was to be reevaluated sometime at the end of November. [13] [19] [20] However, this re-evaluation did not happen.

Lil Sippy jail communications

In additional correspondence from jail to Lil Sippy, a convicted criminal Daniel had acquainted himself with, Daniel provided updates on his current situation and experiences. Daniel continued to double down his delusions, threaten to sue the US Government, talk about how he thought Bob was ruining his life, ask Sippy sexual questions over mail, and demand his own release from jail. More importantly, Daniel admits that he had not spoken to his lawyer since early August 2024.


Final FCI Englewood correspondence

On December 1, 2024, Daniel would make his last call at FCI Englewood. In his final call to Clark, Daniel claims to have been raped by a previous cellmate of his.[21] The validity of this claim has not been confirmed, but it can be assumed this accusation of assault is false, considering Daniels record of falsely accusing others of assaulting him.

December 10 transfer

On December 6, 2024, Daniel replied to an email from Lil Sippy that he was packing up and awaiting transfer to Springfield within the next week.[22] 4 days later, Daniel was found to not be in BOP custody.[23] Eventually, it was confirmed by Flexburger that Daniel was transferred out of FCI Englewood on December 10, 2024 and was booked into Cimarron Correctional Facility in Payne County, Oklahoma. With all previous details noted, Daniel was likely to be transferred out of Cimarron within the near future.


Christmas Eve transfer

On December 24, 2024, after spending two weeks in Cimarron, Daniel called Clark stating that he had moved to Grady County Detention Center, and was put on a 23 hour hold. [24]

December 27 transfer

On December 27, 2024, Daniel was found to be back in BOP custody. He was transferred to the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, also known as MCFP Springfield. He was sent to Springfield with the intention of getting a mental health evaluation.

External Links

Second Jail Arc
The Players: The Events:

Eras: Arcs:


  1. File:Daniels Admission.png
  2. Daniel in the media
  4. April 6th Meltdown
  6. File:Daniels Admission.png
  7. Jail Communications#May 6
  8. Jail Communications#May 9
  9. File:BobClarkText3.png
  13. 13.0 13.1
  21. Jail Communications#December 1
  22. Jail Communications#December 6 Emails