Arrest Saga

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Cyraxx was arrested by the police on on June 25, 2023 for 1st degree assault on after attacking a troll who was protesting outside his his house with a baseball bat, starting the arrest saga which would continue until his charges were dropped.


Leading up to the incident, Cyraxx was facing possible eviction.

The Assault

On June 25, 2023 in the late evening, Aware of Myself showed up to Cyraxx's house carrying a poster board sign with "Chance Wilkins is a child predator" written on it.

After AOM had been protesting and showing his neighbors the sign for a while at that point, Cyraxx exited his house with a bat and assaulted him without warning while Sally and Ed left the house and egged him on.[1] This was seen from multiple angles from different people recording the event.[2] After this, AOM called the police. The police then showed up, but according to an interview with aware, had to leave because there was a separate incident they needed to respond to.[Citation Needed] Then they returned and arrested Cyraxx.

The Arrest

Cyraxx was arrested at 9:00 PM by Akron PD. Upon being told by the cops that he was under arrest, Cyraxx was heard making a noise reminiscent of a flute, begging for Ed and Sally to intervene and asking the cops if he could "make a deal with [them]," what he meant by this being unclear. While begging for the cops to not arrest him, he attempted to show them 'evidence' of AOM making death threats against them. The arresting officers quickly shut this down by saying that there's no way to prove it's the same person (it probably wasn't). At another point, he attempts to get Sally to call the landlord, Karen, to stop him getting arrested... somehow.

Cyraxx was soon taken out of the house making a loud wailing noise[3] while also being recorded by trolls, who began to taunt Cyraxx by calling him a child predator, which Sally and Ed denied. Ed actually walked right up to the cameraman to confront him, looking like a meth head, demanding the guy filming be taken away, which the police officers didn't entertain.

After the cops told Ed to calm down and step away, Cyraxx was put into the car. Sally told one of the cops to tell the staff at the holding center to put him in his own cell due to him being small and a target for getting assaulted. and the officer replied that they have no control over this.[4]

Soon after, Cyraxx was driven away and was read his rights. He continued to proclaim his innocence but one of the officers in the car quickly shut him down by telling him that he was told to get off the internet months ago to prevent problems. He was then brought to an empty lot with a paddy wagon which he was transferred into and brought to jail at 12:40 PM.[5]

Cyraxx was bonded out by Sally for $304 the day after the assault.[6] God only knows what Big Bubba did to him in jail.

Court proceedings

Cyraxx was given a pre-trial at 9:30 on July 3rd, it isn't known how it went as it wasn't recorded.

On the 27th of September, Aware announced that he was dropping the charges due to a lack of interest in dedicating any more of his time and money to the case. This move generated a ton of controversy and resentment towards Aware, with people feeling that he had enabled Cyraxx by letting him get away with yet another crime free of any long-term consequences.

As for Cyraxx, he unsurprisingly celebrated this outcome, and would later claim that he had “won” the case, as opposed to the charges being dropped.


In a move that surprised nobody, much like his fight with Marty, Cyraxx claimed to have won the fight and did everything in his power to shift blame onto Aware.

Cyraxx has made up a plethora of justifications for the assault, arguing that him assaulting Aware was warranted due to the police's refusal to do anything about him getting "gangstalked" and Aware's supposed attempt to incite a riot, and that it wasn't assault at all and was legally protected by "Stand Your Ground" laws. Cyraxx clearly fundamentally misunderstands these laws, as "Stand Your Ground" laws eliminates the duty to retreat and does not protect someone leaving their house to assault someone peacefully carrying a sign on public property.
