Kansas Incident

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On February 14th, 2012, (on Valentine's Day) one of Cyraxx's most infamous incidents, the Kansas Incident, occurred when he ambushed and assaulted his own grandmother, Sally.

The incident

Cyraxx had been talking to a catfish for an unknown amount of time when, seemingly as a Valentine's "celebration," the catfish requested for Chance to move to Kansas to live with them. Without a car or any money for transportation, packed his bags and elected to walk or hitchhike his way to Kansas. Sally opposed to this obviously extremely stupid plan of his and attempted to stop him from moving his things from the house, causing Cyraxx to have a huge tantrum and physically assault Sally.

"Victim states she and the suspect were arguing because he wanted to take his belongings and move to Kansas. Victim states he has nothing lined up or planned for a move to Kansas and told him he could not take his things from the house. Victim states the argument quickly turned physical when the suspect began to choke her, grab her arms, and punch her in the back. Suspect fled on foot and was apprehended without incident."

Cyraxx's uncle, Bill, witnessed the incident and called the police immediately, leading to Cyraxx's arrest later that day.


Cyraxx was intially charged with one count of domestic violence. However, a plea deal was reached to reduce his charge to disoderly conduct, and Cyraxx recieved a 30 days suspended jail sentence on the condition that he attended anger-management therapy and underwent a mental health assessment.[1]

Sally chose not to press charges against Chance but she attempted to place him in a group home, had him stay at a hotel for a while. Cyraxx's psychiatrist advised Sally to use Positive Behavior Support (PBS) with him. Upon hearing this, Cyraxx mistakenly believed that PBS was coming to film a documentary about him.[1]

Cyraxx eventually returned to 339 at an unknown date. Interestingly enough, family members reported that Cyraxx was noticeably more docile in the aftermath of this incident, showing that the Goblin can indeed be disciplined if faced with adequate consequences for his action. When this incident is held up to Cyraxx, he will usually brush it off saying that it was "over 10 years ago" and that he has not laid a hand on Sally since, or that he was "young and dumb" and didn't know better. For Cyraxx it seems, it is perfectly reasonnable to assume that a 21 year old man would behave in a way equivalent of a toddler resorting to a physical temper tantrum after being told "no".
