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Having no job or any form of financial literacy, Cyraxx is expectedly completely financially destitute. He has no reliable source of income, and is essentially a leech who lives off of Sally's checks. For example, $20 was once given to him from Ed to get him and Sally Christmas gifts.[Citation Needed] So far, the only money Chance has earned on his own is $5.81 off of music sales ~$116 off of livestreaming donations,[1] although this data is out of date. It's also theorized that Chance collects SSI checks from the government, which is where most of his income comes from.
Financial Literacy
Cyraxx is completely financially illiterate, mostly because he is generally unintelligent alongside the fact he has never had to work and does not understand how much money is worth. He's made multiple absurd claims about his finances, such as when he claimed that MusicBizMarty and the trolls lost him out on over 10 million dollars.[Citation Needed] He's also claimed in the past that an Apple Watch is worth more than a house, and said that $680 dollars worth of CDs and art is sold for $8,300 (although this is more of a display of his math ability).
Despite being in his thirties, Chance has never held any form of employment before, being a complete NEET for over a decade at this point. Even Chris Chan and KingCobraJFS were employed.
Cyraxx doesn't get a job due to him not needing one because of his SSI checks and parents paying for everything as well as his parents enabling him not getting any sort of employment, even from a disability service. As a response to Marty asking why can't Cyraxx get a job to help with bills during a phone call with him, Sally replied that he's trying to get a job online but he was unable to find one because of the trolls (as when Cyraxx accomplishes anything, he immediately brags to his trolls about it and they ruin it). When asked why he can't just get an entry-level job or a job offered by an employment program for disabled people, Sally replied that "if he loves what he does, he'll never work a day in his life."[Citation Needed]
The only sort of "job" he's had were his Kick channel, and him, Ed, and Jake scrapping metal, as well as odd jobs around the house, which he does poorly.[2] However according to Cyraxx, he claims that he is a musician, online performer, online racecar driver, and mechanic despite never having any sort of training is any of those fields at all. He has technically made money off of these endeavors, which has granted him the grand total of $5.81.
Education and Qualifications
Cyraxx's probably can't get a regular job as Cyraxx doesn't even have a GED, is 33 with no resume, has no marketable skills, gets thrown into extreme fits of rage, and is physically, intellectually, and mentally disabled. He could possibly get a job through a vocational rehabilitation service which works with disabled people doing non-strenuous menial labor such as sorting or organizing or painting fences, or he can possibly qualify for SSI, but not for much as you need to have a work history to apply for full disability benefits.
His getting a job even at a grocery store is not likely due to a number of circumstances. He can't really count or do math, as previously established, so he couldn't be a cashier; he can't even clean or organize himself, so he mopping up or stocking shelves would be out of the question; and he lacks basic social skills so he could not be a greeter or helper in a store; so there really isn't any place for him in a business. This also isn't account for the fact that if he got a job, an army of trolls and weens would instantly get him fired, if he didn't already get himself fired by ranting about Marty and the trolls to random customers or employees.
Cyraxx forayed into many attempts to make money through alternative ways, namely streaming and selling art and music. Lolcows making money off of their infamy is not something that is unheard off, like Chris Chan who is now living off making and selling merchandise themed after his lovechild creation, Sonichu, or KingCobraJFS selling hand-crafted wands. As for Cyraxx however, it can be argued that he is far too despicable of a person (namely his reputation as a volatile racist pedophile) to garner the sort of ironic fandom that surrounds the two afformentionned examples, and that he is equally both too stupid and talentless to produce anything of value in the arts department. For instance, although the Sonichu comics were certainly not original and had terrible storytelling, its crude artstyle and the awkward interjections from Chris' eccentric life made it stand out among other bad home-made comics, to the point where it started seeping into the mainstream culture later down the line. As for Cyraxx, there is no heart or soul put into any of his creations; there is no appeal to stolen art and songs, screeching over music and AI-generated slop. Cyraxx only "works" for the fame and money, not the love of the craft.
Financial aid
According to Sally[3] and Cyraxx's aunt, Cyraxx does not recieve any assistance checks or any social benefits other than food stamps, which further cements his status as a leech. At some point, Sally failed to renew Cyraxx's food stamps for the month, causing him to produce a video where he blames the trolls for somehow taking his food stamps away[4].
Cyraxx's aunt has confirmed that there are pay-pigs in circulations which give Cyraxx large sums of money for... some reason. Jake is a confirmed pay-pig, and Michael Hackings has sent Cyraxx money on occasion. There was also an Australian buddy troll/pay-pig, who was doxxed by Marty.
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