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Cyraxx has had a storied history involving art, as like a lot of other Lolcows, Chance likes talk about himself being an artist. Naturally, he's terrible at drawing even though he regularly steals and traces art from other artists as all of his drawings are all in different, clearly distinct styles.


Cyraxx has stolen or traced over an unsurmountable amount of art, which are usually anime art or cartoon/anthropomorphized renditions of spray cans. So far, Cyraxx has never received any form of DMCA claim or legal issues for his art theft, probably because he couldn't monetize it even if he tried and nobody's going to waste their time and money suing a destitute disabled goblin retard in civil court.

Chance's art vs the art he traced it from (source unknown)

Most of the artists he has stolen from have remained unidentified, but some are:

Merch store

Cyraxx has also set up a merch store, which was replete with stolen art. It was promptly taken down by the host of the website he was using, and he threw a fit about it.
