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Cyraxx's intelligence, or the lack thereof, is the most notable part of his character, as he is exceptionally stupid. His IQ is most likely below 80 (he's done an IQ test before and claimed he got a 2.2[1]) as he is not even able to add 2 + 2.[Citation Needed]

Obviously because of this, Cyraxx performed poorly in school partly due to his mental disabilities and partly due to his lack of cognitive function. Cyraxx had to repeat high school for at most 5 years until he was expelled at the age of 23 - keeping in mind you need a D average (or a 1.0 GPA) to graduate from high school, that means that over the course of at least 5 years he was not able to get a 1.0 GPA once.

His lack of cognitive function also affects other things in a similar way, such as the beginning of his "music career" where he was easily tricked into being signed onto fake record labels by MusicBizMarty, as if you become Cyraxx's "friend" by giving him a modicum of positive attention for even a day, he'll most likely believe anything you tell him regardless of how implausible or far-fetched it is.

Additionally, Cyraxx's ego might have become so large that he has become staunchly unwilling to admit that he is wrong on anything; even though he knows that what he is saying is not true, he feels compelled to say it outloud in order to posture before his adversary, only attaining the exact opposite effect and making himself look even stupider.


Gullibility is arguably one of the most defining traits of a Lolcow, as it provides an easy angle of attack for trolls, and Cyraxx is certainly gullible.

Having little to no experience outside the walls of his home and having been coddled by Sally, Cyraxx did not learn any valuable life experience that would help him determine if he was being tricked when interacting with other people. His huge ego also contributes to his gullibility, as Cyraxx does not question anyone who approaches him if they promise him something that he wants, whether it be getting money or getting rid of trolls because he only considers his own personal gain in the situation.

One prime example of this was when he was tricked into plugging a USB killer drive into his Xbox, which was sent by a "friend" claiming it contained mods and games for his console. At this point, after being trolled for years, someone seemingly becoming your friend overnight sending you a USB drive in an unmarked cardboard box should be something rather suspicious, but Cyraxx is willing to overlook all these glaring red flags because he may still obtain some new cool mods for his Xbox.

Additionally, Cyraxx having no groundings in the real world, he is too uninterested and apathetic to challenge his own thoughts or learn how anything works. This comes to bite him in the backside especially when he attempts to lie or make threats, lacking the sufficient knowledge to make his stories plausible.


Math and Logic

Cyraxx is unable to do basic math.

  • Thinks half of 33 is 20[2]
  • Thinks 20-25k a year equals to $7,118,449,000 without taxes[3]
  • Does not recognize what a division symbol is[4]
  • Thinks if he sells 38 CDs for $10 each and 15 digital art pieces for $20 each = $8,300?

Critical Thinking

  • Thinks bread soaks up the feeling of heat from spiciness[5]
  • Believes a woman can become pregnant from swallowing semen[6]
  • Attempted to create a 10TB virtual hard drive on his nearly-full 500GB physical drive with the belief it would allow him to create unlimited storage space out of nothing. Additionally, when he showed off this "trick" on YouTube, an error messaged popped up, alerting him in bright red letters that there was obviously not enough space on his physical drive to create the virtual one, yet acted as if this actually worked either to protect his pride or out of complete obliviousness.[7]
  • Seems to believe that his homemade "drums", a small set of stringed-together coffee tins on which he bangs with chopsticks, is proof of his great "genius".
  • Thinks that 'Ban Evasion' doesn't exist.[8]
  • Believes that Marty is scamming car dealerships by buying a vehicle, purposefully crashing it, then asking for a free replacement from a dealership in another city or state[9].
  • Cyraxx claims that the Millenials generation is between 2000 and 2012, and that Generation X is between 1990 and 2000[10], calling everybody who believes otherwise stupid. His reasoning is that because 2000 was the turn of the millenium, then anyone born during the naughties is a millenial by semantics, backing his claim using Backstreet Boys' Millenium album as a "proof" somehow.
  • After the Kansas incident, Sally was advised by Cyraxx's psychiatrist to use Positive Behavior Support (or PBS for short) on him. Upon catching wind of this, Cyraxx somehow thought the channel PBS was coming to film a documentary on him.
  • During a call with CVG, Cyraxx demanded that he "control" his goons, thinking CVG is some evil villain controlling his minions or something. After CVG had repeated that he cannot control what his associates tell him, Cyraxx continued to insist that he can.


One of Cyraxx's most amusing habits are his frequent legal threats. However, he is also quick to prove that he doesn't know anything about how the legal system or government works.

  • When confronted about the multiple times he's sexted minors and when labeled as a pedophile, Cyraxx almost always responds with, "If I'm a f--king pedophile, why isn't it on my record? b--ch?!" This is nonsense as not all pedophiles are in jail and not every criminal is in jail. Cyraxx doesn't know that his own logic can be flipped against him, as he continuously calls Marty a pedo, blackmailer, scammer, and murderer with next to no evidence, not understanding that by his reasoning, Marty isn't any of these things because none of them are on his public record.
  • After Cyraxx had returned after being jailed for assaulting Aware Of Myself, he consistently argued that he was invoking his "castle law" and "stand your ground" rights and that he was falsely jailed. But after the fight with Marty, Cyraxx not only stated that he was going to press charges, but that Marty had no right to beat him up, despite the fact that Cyraxx charged at him on his property. So it was completely justified and within the bounds of the law when Cyraxx did the assaulting, but absolutely unjust and unfair when Marty does.
    • In addition, Cyraxx attempted to claim that the sidewalk in front of his house is within property line to back his fallacious call to self-defense[11].
  • Cyraxx had stated that CIA-hole legally cannot sue him as he has no money, when that's far from the truth, as a lack of money doesn't absolve you of legal consequences. The only time money becomes a problem in a civil lawsuit is when someone has no money to pay you for when they lose a case.
  • Cyraxx, after throwing out numerous "examples" of crimes he can send Marty to jail for, and after minutes of thinking, says that he forgot he could send Marty to jail for 'assisted death'.[12]
  • When pressed on his habit of flashing his penis on Marty's panel, Cyraxx claims that he can plead ignorance of the law to get himself out of trouble.[13]
  • Claims that Marty is guilty of impersonating "Martin Bandier" by having him as his profile picture/avatar.[14]

US Constitution

For a time, Cyraxx had a habit of hiding behind the US Constitution to justify his actions or defend himself against trolls, seemingly believing it to be some sort of civil law document as opposed to something restricting the government's power by enshrining the American citizens' rights.

  • During the Gun Incident, Cyraxx defies Marty and YouTube to take action against his violent death threats by quoting the 2nd amendment[15]. Not only does YouTube have the right to remove whatever they want on their own platform, but the 2nd amendment guarantees the right for US citizens to bear arms, and not threaten each other with said arms.
  • Cyraxx claims the trolls are acting against the "4th amendment" — claiming that the violation was stopping him from his rights to make a living, when the 4th Amendment actually pertains to unlawful search and seizure.[16]
  • When Marty threatened to release the plethora of calls Tangerine Cat had with Sally, Cyraxx said that it was a violation of the 24th amendment, an amendment that pertains to eliminating poll tax.[17]

Xbox Kill-switch

See Xbox Saga

Cyraxx was sent a USB Kill-switch under the false pretense that it contained the content necessary to jailbreak his Xbox. He inserted the USB almost instantly into his Xbox with little to no reluctance. It would later be revealed that he was sent this Kill-switch by MF GOON and Liquid Chris. He would then team up with Marty to take them on, which didn't last long.

After a short while, Cyraxx would scream at Marty again due to "intercepting" a package and was constantly claiming it to be illegal, despite Marty contacting the police live and asking them if intercepting a package is illegal, which was met with a resounding "No." He also tried to get Marty's information by pathetically attempting to convince him to try to click on an IP Grabber. After realizing that he failed, he finally complied with Marty's request to dance in order to get back his Xbox (despite Cyraxx still not trusting Marty prior to this).


See Cyraxx Totem

Sometime around March 2023, a troll sent Cyraxx a necklace featuring a 3D-printed totem of himself spray-painted gold incrusted with fake jewelry.[18] Despite being an obvious mockery of his image, Cyraxx started frequently flashing the necklace on camera for a while after by claiming that it was made of "18-carat gold", seemingly unable to differentiate between plastic and a precious metal.

Yung Foxx

See Yung Foxx

After Cyraxx decided to do a rap battle against Yung Foxx after making two diss tracks on him, he lost miserably. Afterwards, Cyraxx would start getting exceptionally angry and upset over something as trivial as losing a rap battle. In an effort to rectify this, he decided to create a fictional character named "Shadow King," which was just him using a voice changer and wearing a costume. He was immediately called out by Yung Foxx to no one's surprise but most likely Cyraxx's due to his room temperature IQ. This ordeal prompted him to leave the internet for a little while.

Deflecting Responsibility

Cyraxx once shouted at Marty that he's gonna go after his girlfriend for "not doing anything to stop [him]", and recently directed a similar message towards his mother, while adding that if she doesn't do anything about him, she'll be held responsible as an accessory to his "crimes".[19]

"That was 30 years ago!"

On a Masshole Reports live stream, Tangerine Cat would angrily inform Cyraxx of the fact that his biological father has a Pinterest account filled with pictures of underage crossdressing boys, and Cyraxx's first response was to say, "It was 30 years ago!" an excuse he regularly throws out whenever someone tells him of the reason his aforementioned father went to jail... except Tangerine cat wasn't referring to that. He also proceeded to ironically call her a 'retard' when he was the one missing the point because he never listens.[20]

Goodbye Horses

During one of the many instances in which Raxx was tricked into talking to a fake minor, the decoy asked Cyraxx to make a video of himself dancing to the song "Goodbye Horses" by Q Lazzarus. The song in question is most famous for appearing in an infamous scene from the 1991 Psychological Horror movie: The Silence of The Lambs in which the films antagonist: a serial killer named Buffalo Bill is dancing around his basement naked while pretending to be a woman while the song plays. Of course Cyraxx never thought that filming himself dancing to a song often associated with a disturbed character wouldn't make him look even more like a depraved creep.
