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A defining characteristic of Chance is his overinflated ego. While confidence and pride in one's accomplishments can be positive, Cyraxx exhibits extreme narcissism and overconfidence in most of his skills and personal characteristics, including his intelligence, fame, fortune, and accomplishments.


Cyraxx posing with a fake 100k Youtube button he thinks he has earned despite never reaching 100k subscribers on any of his channels.

Cyraxx has an extremely warped view of himself as in his mind he is a world-famous music artist, singer, artist, e-racer, entrepreneur, and professional video game player/developer that is connected to a numerous amount of organizations such as the military, Hell's Angels, Akron Red Devils, and has an ancestry tracing back to Vikings. Whether or not he fully believes this or just says these things to impress people isn't exactly clear, but he probably at least somewhat believes his made-up stories.


See Rage

Cyraxx's is a very prideful person and is extremely reactive to any attack against his ego - his delusions do not just alter, but outright transcend reality and he expects others to believe it through and through. Since Cyraxx's delusions are, by definition, not true and his ego is unwarranted, when his abilities are challenged and he fails at every hurdle, he will become extremely frustrated and lash out in one way or another. Whatever shortcomings or failures are never his fault and the fault of trolls or some other entity, and when he has no-one to blame but himself, he straight up denies ever failing, such as when he got beat up by Marty and started posing around that he won, as if he conceded his defeat it could shatter his warped ego.

When Cyraxx's trolls criticize or disprove his beliefs, or even really say anything that could possibly tarnish his image, Cyraxx will thoughtlessly dive into the situation head-first using intemperate tactics against his detractors such as calling them slurs or flashing them, even in situations where ignoring them would have been the best option. This only encourages them to continue prodding him for more entertaining rage fits, which creates a cycle where Cyraxx's reactions will attract more trolls, which in turn will produce more critical and degrading content against him which he will feel compelled to react to.

Cyraxx's clumsiness in handling these situations also has the effect of blurring lines between truth and lies. For instance, when his Google account was hacked, Cyraxx's search history was leaked which showed a collection of disturbing and embarrassing searches. Cyraxx reacted to this in the same way he reacts to almost everything, by throwing a huge fit and making empty threats,[1] which led to his trolls and detractors seeing it as incriminating. This is despite the fact that whoever hacked the account could have possibly made these searches themselves just to get a reaction out of Cyraxx. Regardless of the truth, Cyraxx going right away on the defensive only served to further incriminate himself to the eyes of everyone else.

Why Cyraxx exactly does this isn't exactly clear, but it could stem from a deep-rooted feeling of insecurity caused by factors such as his appearance or his poor living situation.

Lack of accountability

The main reason Cyraxx is stuck in his perpetual child-like mindset is his adamant refusal to take any form of accountability for his actions, as he sees himself as uncapable of doing anything possibly wrong, and whoever thinks otherwise is either an antagonist or misunderstand his actions and that anything he says is facts. This sort of mindset was allowed to fester thanks to a lifetime of sheltering and his difficulties to understand the world around him.

A good example of this is in the Youtube Hate Saga. Many of Cyraxx's videos and channels were taken down by YouTube due to his behavior and threats. However, instead of reflecting on the way he acts, he instead demanded that YouTube establishes a team of human employees to review each and every single video individually because he believes that the reason why he's being taken down is due to YouTube's AI being uncapable of seeing that he is committing those actions to "defend himself" against Marty.


Projection is a defense mechanism that consists of attributing one’s own unacceptable urges or behavior to another.[2] Because Cyaxx refuses to admit any fault, he has the habit of detaching anything negative that is said about him and throws it back at whoever said it. What peculiarly strikes is how transparent Cyraxx’s projection is. For instance, he accused his aunt of living in filth and playing pretend on videogames all day, seemingly not considering the sheer irony of these words coming from the mouth of someone who is known by all for being both very unhygienic and highly delusional.

Cyraxx’s weak repartee and low intelligence might also contribute to his habit of projecting onto others. Being uncapable of coming up with comebacks in the heat of the moment, he will resort to repeating insults that he has heard before, including insults that were specifically made about him.


Cyraxx is an incurable megalomaniac. In his head, he fancies himself as a master strategist that can act above the law and has a platoon of connections on speed dial. Returning to reality however, that of being a grown man without a dime and who is entirely dependant on an elderly woman for his most basic needs, these power fantasies are possibly a coping mechanism from Cyraxx’s frustration at his absence of control over virtually anything in his life.

Another symptom of Cyraxx’s megalomania is the way he attempts to bargain or argument with people. Compromise and exchange are the basis to a successful negotiation, but this requires taming one's pride, which is simply not an option to Cyraxx. To protect his ego, Cyraxx will always attempt to strongarm his way through exchanges, insulting and denigrating the other party to keep a feeling of superiority over them, even they have all the levers, and he has none.

For instance, during his second exchange with Ms. Kelly, someone he thought was a YouTube employee, instead of trying to calmly explain why he thinks that Marty should be definitively removed from the platform with solid arguments to back his points, he spews out slurs at her, insults her agency, screams over everyone like a child and threatens to have her job taken away.[3]

This naturally only succeeds at burning bridges, if anything. 


Having an extremely high opinion of his character, Cyraxx will expect the rest of the world to treat him accordingly. This sort of entitlement might come from Sally coddling and sheltering Cyraxx, giving him almost everything he needs and wants without teaching him the value of work or money. Whenever Cyraxx is told no, he will usually throw a temper tantrum like a spoiled infant. This sort of juvenile behavior reached an extreme in 2012 when Cyraxx physically assaulted Sally after she refused to let him walk to Kansas to meet a girl that eventually turned out to be a catfish.

In another instance, Cyraxx demanded that Marty paid him $100 per hour of screen time for a reboot of the Skull Scratcher Comedy show. Upon Marty verbally agreeing to the proposition, Cyraxx immediately went on live and produced an extremely botched version of the show. Upon hitting the 1-hour mark, Cyraxx concluded the livestream and ran to Marty to demand his $100 right away. Unhappy with the abyssal quality of the product, Marty refused to pay Cyraxx, which would cause him to go into an extreme fit of rage, believing to be entitled to the $100 despite making the bare minimum effort and delivering far less than promised.[4]

Persecution complex

In contrast to his wild power and fame fantasies, Cyraxx also often depicts himself as a victim of unprovoked persecution and a struggling underground artist barely scraping by whenever it fits the current situation. Although there is indeed, for a lack of better words, a widespread conspiracy against Cyraxx and his caretakers, he will always deny any form of accountability or control over his woes, adopting a strictly external locust of control by claiming that everyone else are evil corrupt bullies going after an innocent man strictly because of his odd looks. This thinking conveniently ignores the fundamental reasons behind his predicament, that is his lack of self-control to provocations and his horrid personality. Cyraxx does this because it justifies most his shortcomings and his more repehensible actions. For instance, when Cyraxx is confronted with his habit of flashing his phallus on Marty's livestreams to get him banned, he will usually claim that Marty leaves him no choice but to expose himself as a mean of "self-defense".[5]

A good example of this are the many "crying videos" that punctuates his uploads, during which he will unconvincingly attempt to cry while telling a sob-story about himself to ellicit pity from his viewers.

Additionally, Cyraxx will often tactlessely approriate other's struggles or invent stories in order to make himself look more interesting or fish for sympathy. A good example of this is the death of his uncle Billy. Following this, Cyraxx started to claim how difficult it was to lose such a close "brother". In reality however, Cyraxx never bothered to visit his uncle at the hospital with Sally.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

It is highly possible that Chance's ego is a result of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). He exhibits many traits classified as NPD, including:

  • Selfish tendencies, such as stealing Sally's credit card while she was in the hospital or putting Vita at risk of being doxxed to save himself.
  • Preoccupation with his "music," neglecting family and friends.
  • A heavy sense of entitlement, believing he is worth "millions."
  • Manipulative tendencies, such as getting Ed to give him money to buy blankets as a Christmas gift.
  • Lack of empathy for others' problems, quickly brushing them off to rant about his own issues.
  • Acute materialism, falling back to his material possessions to cope against detractors such as bragging about having a "$400 smartwatch".

List of Chance's Egotistical Delusions

This is not an exhaustive list, as Cyraxx is incredibly egotistical and constantly finds new groups or cultures to claim affiliation with or leadership over.

  • Claims to have lost millions due to trolls.
  • Claims to have millions of fans across the world
  • After being beat up by Marty, Cyraxx would cope with this humiliating defeat by asserting that Marty only won the fight because he dishonorably "used his weight" or "fell onto him"[6]. In his mind, Marty "cheated" because he did not let Cyraxx get back on his feet.[7]
  • Wears a chain with a caricature of himself, spray-painted gold with fake rubies, sent by a troll to mock him. He uses it as a coping mechanism after being beaten up by MBM.
  • Believes he is an artist, racer, and rapper with many fans.
  • Claims to be an underrated, poor, and broke artist when it suits his narrative.
  • Claims to have been raised around the US Military, Hell's Angels, Viking brothers, and bikers, and knows people who will kill for him.
  • Believes he has Viking blood and that being related to a Viking makes him one.
  • Claims to be as famous as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, who are literally referred to as "The Kings" of their respective genres.
  • Claims to have met Tupac's mother and family at Machiavelli Records, where he says he was part of.
  • Claims to be friends with Eric Wilson, the bassist of Sublime.
  • Claims to be good at video games.
  • Claims that ignorance of the law prohibits you from being arrested for breaking said law.
