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Despite being disabled and presumably bisexual, Cyraxx is known to spout out intensely racist, homophobic, and antisemitic things towards his trolls during his freakouts. Whether or not Cyraxx is actually racist, antisemitic, etc. or is just a retard who spits out any insult to shock people without thinking, it really doesn't excuse any of the things he says.


When you start watching Cyraxx rage videos, one of the most immediately apparent things about Cyraxx is that he is insanely racist. Cyraxx will drop the full n-word on the slightest provocation,[1] often during his freakouts.

While possibly partially influenced by some of his girlfriends, the reason why he is so comfortable with calling people the n-word certainly comes from his family as Ed and Sally make no effort to stop him from saying slurs towards people. At one point Sally deflected blame for not stopping him in a call with Marty by saying she "I tried to talk to him about it but he won't listen," even though according to Cyraxx's Aunt, his use of the slur doesn't come from his family.

Cyraxx, initially, mostly used the word "nigga" in his rap music like a wannabe gangster, initially defending his use of it by saying it didn't make him racist as it ended with an "a." As the years have gone by though, and Marty, Tyler, William, and CVG trolled him more and more, he stopped caring about his "a" rule and began constantly flinging slurs, even coining his infamous Chance-ism "Nigger boy," regardless if whether or not the slurs even apply to those he calls them.

To this day, he still continues to defend his use of the word by saying that the n-word was used by medieval people to describe them as stupid and that he was using it in the medieval context.[2]


What a nice, well-adjusted man, I hope he's not doing a salute attributed to a certain dictator.

It's not definitely known if Marty is actually Jewish or not (despite most people in the community believing he is), but when Cyraxx first heard about Marty being Jewish, you can probably expect what came next.

Cyraxx makes a ton anti-Semitic remarks towards Marty, mostly lame insults he made up in the moment such as "Jew-boy" or references to Hitler/the Nazis. This reached its apex when Tange Cat tricked Cyraxx into turning alt-right for a short period of time, in which he played music from a neo-nazi band called "Blink 1488" and did the Sieg Heil salute while declaring himself "Marty's personal Hitler" in a particularly infamous video.[3] At multiple points, he's even told Marty that the Nazis should have killed his family in the concentration camps. In recent streams Cyraxx has began to call Marty a kike (racial slur for Jews) and "Hook Nose" which is a racist term towards Jewish people based around the stereotype that they have long hooked noses.

In late December 2024, Cyraxx called out a ween for being anti-semitic (which he spelled as "anti-cimetic"[4]). The irony was totally lost on Cyraxx who not only falaciously justifies his own bigotry by saying that Marty was a bad person anyway, but also fails to realize what anti-semitic means, seemingly believing that it is the hatred of Americans.

When Cyraxx appeared in court for his assault charge he had shaved some of his beard for once - but the finished product resembled a certain failed painter-turned politician.


Cyraxx is homophobic as a form of projection.

Cyraxx will often call his trolls fags (on some occasions dyke) and will accuse them, especially Marty, of being in love with him, which is why they troll him because "they can't have him". This is often used by lolcows as a way to deflect the criticism they're getting, and Cyraxx is definitely no different. He also repeatedly tells his trolls to engage or stop engaging in homosexual acts with their family members or other trolls. He also has some odd beliefs about gay people, such as that all gay people are incestuous.

He still hurls slurs despite the fact that his uncle was gay, that Cyraxx supposedly has LGBT friends, and that Cyraxx is bisexual because of his relationship with Jake and him sexually assaulting another boy.


While less prevalent than his racist phrases Cyraxx has once and a while made sexist remarks. On one occasion when ranting about Masshole Cyraxx told her to "Go back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" a sentence often used in misogynistic contexts.
