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Similarly to other Lolcows and autistic people, Cyraxx has an extremely distinct manner of speech and lexicon, which only makes sense to him and the trolls who make fun of him. Chance will often repeat phrases and terms due to him not being able to come up with anything else, and will refuse to chance them out of pride.

There's nothing inherently wrong with this as different vocabularies are what makes human language so complex and compelling, but Lolcows like Cyraxx take this to an extreme - making up extremely strange or annoying terms, phrases, and verbal tics they expect other people to understand.

Speech Impediment

Cyraxx exhibits some form of speech impediment, struggling to prounouce certain syllables or letters correctly. Although there might be neurological causes, the most apparent is the difformity of his mouth cavity and his abyssal dental condition affecting his ability to articulate. The most frequent example of this is his pronounciation of "bitch" and "bully", two staples of his vocabulary, which he pronouces as "vitch" and "vully" respectively[1].

When speaking (especially when yelling), Cyraxx spits and drools excessively, causing him to (very) audibly swallow his saliva ever so often or choke occasionally, making him quite irritating to listen to whenever he speaks close to his microphone.


Cyraxx's vocabulary is noticeably limited, repeating the same phrases and words constantly. Many compared him to a broken record or a pullstring doll repeating pre-recorded sentences. A strong vocabulary is usually formed through both reading regularly and a diverse conversational company, both things which Cyraxx lacks altogether. Cyraxx is also peculiarly foul-mouthed, his language being riddled with swear words such as "fuck, fucking, motherfucking, etc." regardless of the context or tone. This obnoxious tendency to swear every other sentence may originate from his general immaturity, believing that using so many swears in a casual context will sound "cool".

In addition, when in a confrontational setting, Cyraxx will usually cycle through a set of insults and threats throughout the whole ordeal, namely racial slurs, death threats, playground insults and other viles words. Occasionally, Cyraxx will use insults which many note seem to be much more fitting against him, such as calling Marty a "cueball mongoloid". This may hint that Cyraxx cannot brew up insults himself, and consequently repeats things that were said specifically about him in hopes it will also stick to his adversary.

Da List

"What's Goody"

Chance often used to say this as a way to say "what's up" to others.

“Hey X”

Whenever Cyraxx feels he is being insulted/criticized or the person he is speaking to doesnt let him mouth off, he will attempt to interject like a petulant child by repeatedly saying "Hey [x], Hey [x], Hey [x]". Once Cyraxx has the other person's attention, he will usually follow up with a racial or homophobic slur (antisemitic if he’s talking to Marty) or with another Chance-ism on this list. It rose to prominence when he said “Hey Tyler” over 30 times during the August 8, 2020 call[2]

“Why don’t you shut up and X”

This is often used as the ending piece to Cyraxx’s “Hey X” combo. He'll often be telling the person he's berating to stop fellating one of Cyraxx’s trolls or a family member, suicide baiting them, or telling them they aren’t a gangsta like he is.


This is what Chance uses when he’s distraught or has been called out for something he’s done, such as during the Stylus Incident, where this term became famous. He continues to use it when he’s on call with one of his trolls, begging them to stop.


This is one that Chance often screams during his biggest meltdowns. It was used mainly during the Stylus incident as well as the Bloody Mouth Freakout.

“Suck my dick [REDACTED] boy!”

Is what Cyraxx says whenever he pulls a double whammy on Marty or other trolls.

“[REDACTED] boy”

[REDACTED] boy is very often used by Cyraxx during fits of rage when talking to Marty, William Gloryhole, or other trolls.

"Hook Nose!"

Hook Nose is an Anti-Semitic name Cyraxx uses on Marty, The phrase refers to the racist stereotype that Jewish people have long hooked noses


This is used to garner pity by Cyraxx from someone like CVG or William Gloryhole when they threaten to expose or troll him or his family. Despite the fact that Cyraxx can just leave any time he wants and end the trolling, he still feels like the trolls are at fault for endangering his family.

“5/6/7/X YEARS!”

Chance hollers this out whenever he’s complaining about trolls or anyone who criticizes him. Whether it be someone exposing him for sending pictures of his privates to a sting or being called out for cheating on his fake sweetheart, he blames the trolls for stealing his nonexistent career and life away.


When Chance is confronted on something, or questioned on one of his delusions, like his music career, merch, etc., he always uses this phrase before making something up or saying something incredibly stupid to rebuke against the trolls. It’s almost always in a highly pitched tone of voice, as Cyraxx probably thinks it makes him sound smart or egotistically thinks he has the "upper hand" against the trolls.

“Honestly/Lets Be Honest”

Whenever Chance wants to deflect an issue or embark on a tangent of projection against his adversary, he will often start with this phrase as a provocation towards whoever he is speaking. Any time Cyraxx says this you can guarentee he's lying through his rotting teeth


Is one of Chance's defining Chance-isms. This is what he says instead of “what,” and is one of the best examples of his speech impediment.

“Here’s the thing though,” / “Here’s what you need to know/realize,”

Is what Chance says when attempting to justify something awful he did after being called out on it. He usually he says this in more nonconfrontational environments when he's not raging, such as when someone asks him a very reasonable question during an interview that he is unable to answer without making himself look bad.

"Ur turn cutie"

A sentence that will haunt Cyraxx for the rest of his life. When he was communicating with who he believed to be a 14 year old, Cyraxx sent a nude of himself and said the following quote in an attempt to entice the minor into sending a nude back. When people use this quote its often referring to Cyraxxs sexual depravities towards kids

“IT DOESN’T MATTER-” / “Whatever..”

Is what Chance says after he is confronted with indisputable evidence that either makes him look bad or debunks his lies.

For example, during a stream with Marty after the Stylus Incident, Cyraxx attempted to explain why he “tried to kill himself” with a stylus. Marty immediately interjected, saying that Cyraxx was pretending to be suicidal to get the trolls off him and that there was no way he could've actually killed himself with the pen, which had a round edge. This was met with him shrieking “IT DOESN’T MATTER!”

Another example is how during a stream after the fight, Marty reminded Cyraxx of when Chance was forced to call Marty the King of Akron during the fight, to which Cyraxx responded with a nonchalant “Whatever dude…”

“Trust me when I say this…”

Is what Cyraxx says before he lies, trying to use the non-existent trust that people have of him.

Big Bubba

When Cyraxx threatens someone that they will be arrested and jailed for their percieved crimes, he occasionally follows up by claiming that they will be "Big Bubba's bitch", playing on the common trope of a large, black man sexually assaulting his cellmates.


During his barrages of insults, Cyraxx occasionally yells piecemeal spanish insults, notably "Puto pendejo", which translates to "Stupid bitch".

Lover of ignorance

When trying fend off the racism implications from his copious use of the n-word, Cyraxx made up the stupid excuse that he was, in fact, using the n-word in its "medieval" context which supposedly meant "ignorance"[3]. Therefore, when he calls Marty a "nigger-lover", he is actually saying that he is a "lover of ignorance". This phrase quickly became a troll-favorite, and is often quoted to mock Cyraxx's underlying bigotry and his idiotic claim about the medieval origins of the n-word.

"Aw shit y'all guys its stormin out gotta go!"

During a stream Cyraxx would accidentally shit his pants and immediately upon realizing that he had pinched a loaf he looks at the camera and claims that he was ending the stream early due to a "storm" outside. This moment became popular amongst raxxologists due to the incident itself combined with the absolutely stupid lie made up by Cyraxx for why he was ending the stream
