Zak Husein

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Zak Husein was a worker at a pizza restaurant in Akron, Ohio, who was murdered in a robbery in 2015. Later, the Akron PD connected Shaquille Anderson to the murder of Zak and two others.

Cyraxx, 3 years later, injected himself into the situation for attention and sympathy, the first known instance of Cyraxx claiming he knew Zak being a memorial song for him made in January 2018.[1] Cyraxx would further inject himself into the situation by mourning Zak's death on multiple occasions[2][3][4] claiming that he knew Zak and that Zak was like a brother to him.

Cyraxx provably did not know Zak or his family. Putting aside the fact that he is a pathological liar who has done this before in the Jason David Frank situation, Zak lived across town from Cyraxx and went to a different school.


On December 9th, 2023, a man claiming to be Zak's younger brother rebuked Cyraxx's affiliation with Zak on a live stream with Masshole Reports.[5]

Zak's brother not only debunked that Cyraxx was friends with Zak, but that Zak even knew who Cyraxx was, as well as picking apart many other random lies made by Cyraxx about his friends and family, such as Cyraxx's claim that the Husein family holds candle light vigils every year for Zak. One other noteworthy claim mentioned was that Cyraxx had messaged Zak's brother (when Zak's brother was 10 years old btw) claiming that he found a clue to Zak's killer. Naturally, because even a 10 year is smarter than Cyraxx, he saw this as obviously stupid and tried to avoid any interaction with Cyraxx


After Chance made a livestream about Shaquille Anderson getting sentenced in 2020 and mourning for Zak, Cyraxx was almost immediately called out by Marty after the livestream for not actually caring about Zak and using it to get sympathy and the trolls off him.

Marty then started spreading rumors on a livestream that Cyraxx was the one who actually murdered Zak and had framed Shaquille for the murder.[6][7] Cyraxx responded by saying that he would jail Marty for defaming him and for Marty being apparently gay, not understanding that defamation is a civil offense and that being gay is legal. This is still brought up in 2024,[8] almost 10 years after Zak was murdered.
