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Former Sony and EMI chairman Martin Bandier, MusicBizMarty's avatar.
Name: MusicBizMarty
Aliases: Marty, Nicholas Beigler
DOB: {{{DOB}}}
Gender: {{{Gender}}}
Nationality: {{{Nationality}}}
Height and Weight: {{{HeightnWeight}}}
Parents: {{{Parents}}}
Occupation: {{{Occupation}}}

MusicBizMarty (referred to as Marty, Nicholas Beigler, Nick, or MBM) was an American YouTuber, Live Streamer, Drift King, King of Akron, and was not only Cyraxx's most prominent troll but possibly one of the most influential figures in Cyraxx's life, Cyraxx even admitting he thinks about Marty for the majority of his day. Unfortunately, MusicBizMarty's trolling of Cyraxx was cut short as he passed away from an overdose on January 29th 2025. Even in death, Marty continues to live rent-free in Cyraxx's head, who has been accusing him of faking his death ever since the news broke out.


Marty first discovered Cyraxx around October of 2019 when Cyraxx was in hot water with Juggalos after Cyraxx's drama with Candall Smith ended with Candall faking her death. His first appearances were on JaymeNicole's panel, and eventually a channel was created by him in order to trick Chance into believing that Ram Ranch Records, a fake record company, wanted to sign him, which rivaled another fake record company known as Bender Boyz Records that was assisting Marty with fooling Chance. Chance did not want to sign with Marty because Marty wanted to sell merch that made fun of him, and so he signed with the Bender Boyz. Afterwards, Cyraxx made a video egotistically celebrating, acting as though he had become exceptionally wealthy,[1] but of course, the Bender Boys proceeded to sell Cyraxx's contract to Marty after publishing only one song with him, telling him it was due to poor performance, causing Cyraxx to rage.[2] Marty ended up setting up a Cyraxx merch shop anyways, and Cyraxx made a video in response to this pretending to be distraught,[3] saying he felt he was being harassed and exploited.

Marty would eventually begin streaming on a daily basis using StreamYard. These streams often involved Chance and sometimes other individuals that Marty was attempting to troll, also hosting other trolls such as Shmeckle Cat, Burger Boy, Tyler New York, Tangerine Cat, Masstroll Mafia, William Gloryhole, and many more. Rather than monetizing his channel, Marty gains revenue through donations from his chat during livestreams.

The Fight

See Main Article Cyraxx Beatdown

Marty has shown up to Akron on a number of occasions. He went to Cyraxx's house twice to talk with him after Cyraxx had made countless videos and streams challenging Marty to show up and fight him. Both times, Cyraxx refused to come outside and instead sent his elderly caretakers outside to make the bully go away.[4] The last time Marty went to Akron, he rented a Air BnB around the corner from Cyraxx's house and adopted a new plan of waiting for Cyraxx to show up there. Cyraxx eventually appeared to challenge Marty but was quickly defeated.


An easy way to troll Cyraxx is to get women to pretend to be interested in him and catfish him, and Marty has been involved in exploiting this the most. This has happened a number of times, notably with Tange, Strawberry Sunshine and Lava. These have all played out roughly the same where Cyraxx cheats on them,[5] they turn against him in some way, and Cyraxx goes on multiple unhinged rants against them.

Marty has trolled Cyraxx in a plethora of other ways, such as accusing him of assassinating Zak Hussein, revealing that Cyraxx stole a book from an author named AJ Vega, interviewing Blind Billy, getting Cyraxx to rage at Tony the Black Dagon, and claiming that Cyraxx died. Marty was also involved in other schemes to troll Cyraxx, such as calling scrappers to Chance's address to have the fence surrounding the property and items lying outside to get stolen.

Another common tactic of Marty is to announce false, outlandish claims or schemes to trigger Cyraxx into showing up on stream. Cyraxx has always fallen for Marty's ragebait no matter how ridiculous it was. One of the earlier examples of this was when Marty claimed that Cyraxx would be arrested and jailed for climbing onto a locomotive at a rail yard. Although this offense would be nothing more than a misdemeanor sentenced by a fine, if charges are even pressed, Cyraxx still appeared on stream boiling with anger to rage at Marty over this issue. Another example is when Marty claimed Cyraxx had been institutionalized after biting Sally, causing Cyraxx to appear on stream and clamber around his room to show that he was in fact not in an hospital room.[6]

Other Trolling

Tony The Black Dragon

Tony The Black Dragon is a disabled man who has appeared on Marty's streams and who is buddy trolled by Marty. Tony is most notable for having exposed himself as a pedophile, admitting to have taken pictures of women that appeared to be underage at a mall. Marty occasionally invites Tony onto his streams, wherein Tony either argues with Chance or becomes upset with people in the live chat.


Heather, also known as "The Red Queen," (Unrelated to the other Heather) was a weight loss youtuber that Marty interacted with in late 2021. For a while, Marty pretended to be best friends with Heather and would entertain her delusions. Eventually, he broke things off with her after she tried to come onto him despite knowing he had a girlfriend.[7] After this end in their friendship, Heather would continue to show up on Marty's streams, where the two would argue with each other.

Dana Cain

Dana Cain is a woman that Marty began featuring on his streams in 2022. On these calls, Dana is often heavily intoxicated, causing her to have incoherent and repetitive conversations with Marty.

The White Bowser



Although indissociable from the Cyraxx, Marty remains a controversial figure for a lot of reasons, often for being described as an A-Logger and a gatekeeper, while others (especially Kiwifarms[8]) have gone as far as to call him a Lolcow himself.

Vida stream

One notable event that was generally frowned upon was a March 2023 livestream,[9] on which Cyraxx appeared bringing along an old classmate and friend of his, Vida, who was unaware of Cyraxx's reputation. Marty would then start to expose to Vida Cyraxx's horrible actions, to which Vida understandably reacted in shock. At around 34 minutes in, Marty suddenly threatens to release Vida's personal information unless Chance starts dancing on stream, right there and now, causing Vida to panic and asking to leave the panel. Even though this was bluff designed to expose Cyraxx's selfishness as he was refusing to dance to save his now-former friend, many felt that Marty had gone too far by causing Vida great distress simply for the sake of riling up Chance on stream.


During a stream on July 29th 2023,[10] at around 55 minutes in, a super chat mentioned notorious Raxxtuber BasedShaman, who is known for his commentary livestreams as well as his "Yung Cyraxx" persona which creates parody songs about Cyraxx's life. Viewers started teasing Marty by claiming he was jealous of BasedShaman, and Marty started becoming somewhat despondent and responded saying that BasedShaman was a grifter. At 1:04:00, Marty made a mocking impression of BasedShaman, depicting him as gratuitously begging for donations from viewers living on social benefits. This incident raised some eyebrows, with many feeling that Marty was being hypocritical by accusing BasedShaman of grifting.[Citation Needed]

Buddy trolling

Buddy trolling is a trolling tactic that involves befriending the victim in order to gain their trust and troll them in the long run. Buddy trolling is somewhat frowned upon, as it generally involves enabling the target's harmful behaviors and delusions, in Marty's case for cozying up to people like Jasmine and TheWhiteBowser. Him buddy trolling TheWhiteBowser was especially controversial in particular as TheWhiteBowser is a known predator who has been caught several times acting inappropriately around minors online and has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in real life.[11] Despite this, Marty has praised him before,[12] even if in an ironic way. This generated significant backlash, as this essentially amounted to Marty enabling a dangerous man for purposes which remain unclear at best, which only really had the effect of lowering his reputation.

Kiwi Farms

Kiwi Farms is a controversial forum dedicated to discussing and documenting Lolcows as well as other controversial and eccentric people. Marty is a divisive figure on Kiwi Farms, seen as a grifter ready to stoop as low as he can to milk as much money as possible out of Cyraxx. He is also often described as an "A-Logger", someone who puts disproportionate time, effort and vitriol to harass a Lolcow, namely Marty's numerous and often poor-taste schemes involving both extensive time and effort, as well as driving hours to Akron and renting an Airbnb just to rile up Cyraxx. His entourage consisting of several odd, disturbing figures online (such as CIA Hole and The White Bowser) have also garnered him an unsavory reputation there.

Of note, Cyraxx became aware of Marty's reputation on Kiwi Farms, thinking that if they didn't like Marty then they would be on his side. This black-and-white sort of thinking created the delusion that Kiwi Farms was respecting Cyraxx, going as far as to reach out to the forum's owner, Null, for help in his fight against his archnemesis.[13] What Cyraxx conveniently choses to ignore there is that although Marty is not liked by everyone there, he on the other hand is universally hated by the entirety of Kiwi Farms, making his attempt at sympathizing with a forum that was specifically made to harass and mock people like him extremely foolish at best.


On February 2nd 2025, rumors started circulating that MusicBizMarty had passed away on January 29th 2025, based off a eulogy published in the Chicago Tribune,[14] Marty's home area. A short time later, an obituary for Marty was found online. The news caused widespread shock in the community. Many initially reacted with skepticism, as it is known of Marty to conjure up very far-fetched plans to troll Cyraxx, and a few also noticed that Marty's YouTube account commented and liked several posts after his death, fueling skepticism even further. However, as time went on, it became increasingly evident that Marty had indeed passed away. A troll reaching out to one of Marty's acquaintances revealed that Marty had allegedly died from an overdose after smoking fentanyl-laced marijuana.[15]

Eventually, on February 3rd, William Gloryhole came forward in a YouTube community post to confirm Marty's death,[16] and explained that the post-mortem activity on MusicBizMarty's accounts was done by other actors to protect his family from harassment. With Cyraxx's arch enemy gone, and arguably the sole person who Cyraxx spent years aiming his anger towards, many questioned what would happen to Cyraxx now that the person responsible for all of his trolling is gone. As for Cyraxx, he initially reacted quite tactlessly by claiming that Marty was faking his death to avoid his supposed "court date" the following week.[17]

See Also
